Be wary of ‘school choice’


If you haven't noticed, our elected officials are taking public stances against our public schools. Rep. Blake Farenthold — the congressman for Gonzales — has come out in favor of school vouchers, which will take public school funding away from rural districts like yours and place it with unaccredited, unaccountable private schools where only the richest students can attend. When politicians use the new, harmless-sounding term "school choice," this is what they mean. And sadly, this is the only choice that these politicians believe in.

Even more troubling, the statistics used by Rep. Farenthold in a video posted to his Facebook page on Wednesday advocating this Ponzi scheme were generated by the very same pro-voucher group that looks to implement "school choice." That is a very biased way to pick your stats, and very unfair to the common viewer. Remember: "statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics." This is a classic example of cherry-picking your numbers by the congressman.

Be very wary of "school choice." Research this and how it will wreck public schools and how our elected leaders are working to pit parents against teachers to sow discord in our independent school districts. The state leaders that you elected, like Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and State Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, are in on the same scheme. Look it up. Support your local ISD!

Erik McCowan

