Commentary on Jewish Passover


I enjoy reading Pastor Clint Lowery’s articles in this publication; however, concerning the article of Nov. 18 in regards to the reference to the Jewish Passover, I would like to offer some commentary.

The instructions given to the Children of Israel in Exodus chapter 12 for Passover do not involve a blood sin sacrifice. Rather, it is to demonstrate the power of the Creator of the Universe to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Sometimes referred to by Jews as “the season of our redemption.” During a traditional Passover seder there is a part where customarily the youngest child present recites or sings the “four questions” which are in the form of statements expanding upon an introductory question, “Why is this night different from all other nights?” The scriptural basis for this dialogue is Deut. 6:20, Ex. 12:26, Ex 13:8 and Ex. 13:14. None of the statements or explanations address or even imply a sin issue and the necessity of a blood sacrifice.

However, it is incumbent upon all participants at the Passover table to regard themselves as having been present at the first Passover in Egypt and to reflect upon one’s personal “Pharaoh,” ego, which creates the “Egypt,” boundaries, in one’s life.

For the last several years our household has celebrated Passover with friends and family, Jews and non-Jews alike. If approached with the correct intention and a sincere heart it can be an inspirational experience and a source of spiritual nourishment for all.

George Atkinson

