Election: Why the outcome?


Nov. 8 was a total wakeup call for all Americans. As the truth began to sink in, the outcry from the news media almost became laughable. It was this, that or the other that caused the American people to vote for Donald Trump. So, please allow me to add my voice, which is, perhaps, not all profound as those in the media, however, being in that basket of which much was made, maybe there can be at least a little light come to bear on where we find ourselves.

Honestly, I did not know if there were enough individuals outside of Texas that would stand up and say, enough is enough. That question was answered on Tuesday night, Nov. 8 in a resounding way. It is hard to admit that some of the certainty about our country, and it’s survival, as the way of life we have known, had escaped me. During the next four years the answer to whether or not we will remain a country of freedom and individual rights will be determined by the success or failure of our new President to get an agenda through that returns the power to the states and the people.

The answer to the question: “What happened on election night, why was Trump elected?”

This is my take, and by no means do I suggest that I have the answers to all of the political questions. But for what it is worth, this is my understanding of what happened.

There were more than one reason that Trump prevailed.

Reason #1 was the in-your-face candidacy of a truly corrupt person seeking to become the President of the country. Even those voting for Clinton admitted that she was corrupt. The biggest disappointment to me was that she received as many votes as she did. It does not speak well of millions of people that are willing to suspend the rule of law to further their personal, partisan agenda. However, there were millions who opposed that candidate for that reason, and I applaud them.

Reason #2 was the complete and utter disgust of so many in the workforce that have watched as all that they worked for was being taken from them by those who refuse to work. This was very much in play in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and other blue collar areas.

Reason #3 was the insecurity of so many because of the dangerous decisions being made by the democrats in regards to the safety of Americans from the terrorist, and the breach of our borders. A constant refrain of, “everything is ok”, and then another terrorist attack on the homeland. That, and the attack on those who are specifically there for our protection, the men of uniform across the nation. These attacks being made by on our protectors was met with a wink and nod from our leaders. That did not go unnoticed by the people who make the country work.

Reason #4 was the relentless efforts to marginalize Christians and what their faith is to them.

This was very prevalent in the disdain that Clinton had for the Christians, and the faith they practice, when it went counter to what she wanted to achieve. Abortion being a very important part of this equation.

There were a number of other reasons, for instance, the first and second amendments that were under siege by the liberals in this country, come to mind.

This article was requested by the editor of this newspaper to give my insight and reasons for the election results. I am sure there are many Republicans that could have given a better reply but, hopefully, this is in line with what most Republicans in Gonzales County feel and know.

By the way, great going Republicans, we did not come under 70% of the vote for any of our candidates on Tuesday night, in fact, all of the candidates for local office received 100% of the vote. Maybe we need an answer as to why that happened in Gonzales County. 
