GISD reports new COVID-19 cases on campus


The Gonzales Independent School District has reported two new cases of COVID-19 as of Monday, Nov. 16. A statement from the district's website said that those affected were staff members From Gonzales High School and Gonzales East Avenue Primary School. 

This statement was posted to the district's website but not its Facebook page, nor was it shared on the Facebook page of any of its campuses. 

The statement asks that students keep their masks on while at school, and to wear a clean one every day. 

Here is the full statement:

"Today, Monday, November 16, 2020, GISD learned of two staff members who tested positive for COVID-19. The first individual is a staff member from Gonzales East Avenue Primary School. The other staff member is from Gonzales High School. Both individuals were last on campus on Friday, November 13, 2020. The district is getting in touch with those who came into 'close contact' with the individuals.

As you may be aware, there are strict guidelines that prohibit District personnel from providing confidential information about the health conditions of staff members and students . For the privacy and dignity of those involved, we cannot disclose further information. However, the campuses have taken precautions to disinfect as directed, and all staff members on the campus continue to follow the safety protocols to protect the health and safety of everyone at school. If you have any questions, please contact your doctor.
We will continue to work with our staff members, parents and students to keep everyone healthy and safe. If your child is ill or being tested for COVID-19, please notify your campus office and campus nurse. We cannot stress enough, the importance of our students consistently wearing facial coverings as required. Face coverings assist in limiting others from being exposed or coming in contact with illnesses. As previously stated, please ensure face coverings are clean. Thank you for your patience and understanding."
