Have your say, go vote



On Nov. 3 we had another election in Gonzales and the state of Texas, and it was an abysmal turnout. The results statewide are maybe a bit higher than we had in Gonzales but in the time that I have been working the polls I have never seen an election that only garnered under 7 percent of the registered voters.  

We all seem to wonder how our government is in such bad shape but this is an example of the apathy of the voting public and is letting the say about government be controlled by a very small percentage of the public. I am only encouraged by the dedicated people that did come out to vote. Some that could barley make it up the steps still came out to exercise their privilege to have a say in their government.  

We hear people say we need term limits, or we need to have a test to prove their ability to cast a vote but if the voting public would just exercise their right to vote bad office holders would be cast out of office, gerrymandering to protect incumbents as practiced by both parties would be a thing of the past and just maybe we would get stronger government.  Our country is only as strong as the people who will inform themselves and get out and vote.

There are people out there that are dedicated to suppress the vote so they can influence who is elected and what issues we are to be concerned about. Wouldn't it be great to actually see all registered voters go to vote in the next election?  

March primary time is rapidly coming up.  Have your say, go and vote.

Ken Mosher Sr.

