Letter to the editor

City officials rock


I often hear people complaining about the fact that property taxes have been raised once again. In the town where people voted to keep their taxes high, I don’t understand the complaining. I, in fact, don’t think they’re high enough. It’s like that millionaire lawyer said, ‘He owns several properties and he’s ok with it.’ When taxes get raise, it trickles down. You might’ve noticed the price increase at Matamoros and Mi Lupitas.

People say the people in charge saved the city, and I agree. They did it by charging you for taxpayer funded city services that were once free and creating ordinances that created revenues in the form of violation fines. Brilliant move, city officials, on hiring a law firm that costs the taxpayers 6 figures and congrats to the new Tourism Director on the sweet taxpayer funded gig. Five figures to work from home in Corpus Christi, I mean you’re special, why should you have to show up to work like everyone else? I’m sure the city couldn’t find anyone local, wink wink.

I also love how you changed the City Charter to protect you from lawsuits, make it harder to recall you, and make what you pass law for three years no matter how un-popular.

Here are some suggestions on ways to save our city. A toll booth at entrance of park, parking meters downtown, charge citizens to talk to elected officials, charge people holding benefits to raise money, charge a Trick or Treating fee, it’s time to get creative! I’m sure you’ll do the right thing with more taxpayer money. I’m sure when officials are charged with a crime, they are no longer allowed to continue in a position of power. I’m sure when a City Manager is accused of doing something wrong the citizens are informed and they aren’t allowed to leave with a massive taxpayer payout. So in conclusion I just want to say, thanks to the rulers of our city, keep up the good work.

Thomas Enriquez

