GHS student shares concerns about on-campus safety at district board meeting


Gonzales High School student Arabella Reyna shared concerns regarding the district and her campus as public comment during the Monday, Nov. 9 meeting of the Gonzales Independent School District Board of Trustees.

Among the issues she spoke about, Reyna said she had observed a serious safety concern created by the delay of the school day’s start and subsequent shortening of the lunch period, with some students “walking across the highway” and others speeding to purchase their lunch in time to return to campus. She did note that the alotted lunch period does provide enough time to eat the lunch provided by the school. She said she had seen people reusing tickets at sporting events, reducing the district's ability to control the number of people gathered there, while working the concession stand.

Following comments from Reyna, a verbal report from students in the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America organization was provided. This item was moved up at the request of Board President Glenn Menking.

Veterans within the district were also recognized with a short presentation at the meeting ahead of Veteran’s Day on Wednesday, Nov. 11. District Public Relations Director Robin Trojack said they would be provided a special meal on the day as a further sign of appreciation from the district.

In other business:

  • The board approved the consent agenda, which included minutes from the Oct. 12 meeting but no budget amendments.
  • The board’s December meeting was rescheduled from Dec. 14 to Dec. 7 in light of the winter holiday.
  • A rescinding of policy AE was approved, as well as the annual investment report and resolution regarding investment policy and strategy which recommended no changes.
  • The purchase of another school bus was approved.
  • The Gonzales High School Targeted Improvement Plan was approved, as was the use of GISD Education Foundation grant funding for future grant disbursements and to amend the budget.
  • The board received a financial report and the Superintendent’s report detailing enrollment numbers.
