GISD approves contract to conserve energy in district


The Gonzales ISD School Board met in a special called meeting Monday, Sept. 26, regarding saving energy costs.

GISD Director of Operations Gene Kridler spoke to the board about finding ways to “reduce energy consumption” in district buildings. 

Kridler invited Wes McDaniel of Ideal Impact to present to the board how his company works and how he has helped many school districts in lowering their electric consumption. 

McDaniel and his company have been around for 13 years, originally helping give billions of dollars to Christian ministries; seven years ago, a group came to him, he said, and told him school districts could use the “extra funding” in Texas.  

McDaniel has worked with 177 school districts across the state who combined have put $600 million back into the districts’ savings from cutting back energy use. 

McDaniel expounded on the project savings which includes two options: the basic commitment and the committed steward; under the basic commitment, the district can save $2,452,489 in 15 years and on the committed steward, it can save $3,094,803.

GISD Superintendent Dr. Elmer Avellaneda sought advice from other school districts about long-term energy savings and mentioned Ideal Impact has received positive reviews from conservative leaders.

In the past, GISD had looked into Ideal Impact two years ago, but it never made it forward, Avellaneda said.

“I wish really wish the district would have done it then; it would have been less and we would have already two years worth of savings,” Avellaneda said. 

The board voted 6-0 to approve the energy service contract with Ideal Impact Inc. Board member Sandra Gordon was absent from the meeting.

In other board business, the board approved the following agenda items: 

• approved to give a $3 raise for custodial workers and $1 raise for head custodial

• approved the 2022-23 district compensation plan for TCLAS stipends
