GISD prepares for new construction


At Monday’s Gonzales Independent School District meeting, board members were briefed on the preparations for the coming school construction projects that were authorized by this year’s bond election.

Up first was Tim Gesheidle of TSG Architects who presented video and concept artwork for the exteriors of the soon-to-be redesigned campuses. He said that the project was on schedule with bids set to go out in mid-December.

Next up, Brandt Jacobs of Weaver and Jacobs Construction explained how they are phasing work schedules and where the pricing of materials is.

Of the three phases, the North Avenue Elementary, Gonzales High School campuses and the old HEB building project that will become a Pre-K campus would be included in the first phase set for bids.

Jacobs said that they will take contract bids through January and rank them appropriately for the district to chose. A 9-10 month construction schedule will be set once the final bid is approved. Phase two has no exact dates for bids, but he would like to see that get underway by January 2016.

He explained that they will work with the architect and consultants to get the best deal for the district that will result in savings for taxpayers but also will provide buildings that the community will be proud of.

“We don’t want the Taj Mahal, but we don’t want to spend all this money on a box,” Jacobs said.

In new business, Superintendent Dr. Kim Strozier discussed the approval of the GISD Police Department. She explained the importance of adopting the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which lays out the authority the new department as it deals with overlapping jurisdictions that it encounters in the far-flung district.

Jurisdiction boundaries that GISDPD would have to co-exist with would be the City of Gonzales, Gonzales Sheriff’s Department and Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department, for part of the district does extend into that area.

The board gave Dr. Strozier the authority to take all steps necessary in order to implement the MOU.

In Dr. Strozier’s superintendent report, she noted that attendance dropped a bit last week due in part to the hangover from the weekend’s Come and Take It festival. She said that she will look for ways to promote attendance for next year’s Monday after CATI.

Rounding out her report was the announcement of the Apache Band’s first division win at marching contest, recognized North Avenue Elementary for staging a successful academic pep rally and commended FFA members for their assistance with the Young Farmers and the Wounded Warriors event.

In other news the board:

• Authorized Deputy Superintendent Larry Wehde to purchase two new air conditioned busses from Longhorn Bus Sales and sell a retired bus to Interstate Bus Sales

•Approved a trip to New York City for Gonzales High School’s culinary and fashion classes

•Approved a trip to Louisville, Ken. For students to attend the national FFA convention on Oct. 29-Nov. 1

•Recognized new high school principal Michael Garcia

•Recognized the fourth grade for having perfect attendance for one week in September

•Recognized principals at all campuses for their achievement of distinction in the Texas Academic Performance report
