Letter to the Editor

Job of the newspaper is to inform


After reading Lloyd Holden’s letter to the editor in last week’s paper regarding Pastor Lowery’s removal, many in our community were upset. The job of a newspaper is to inform the community of current, factual events. The faith articles and the other opinion articles are nice additions, but not necessary. The quality of our paper has enabled articles to go national, even global via the Internet. As a subscriber and a part of this community, I don’t want the world to be under the impression that Gonzales is overrun with bigots, homophobic and judgmental individuals or that our paper condones such attitudes. Matthew 7:1 King James Version (KJV) 1. “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Our community is welcoming to everyone and our paper should reflect that. We support the paper’s decision and applaud the continued excellence for which it is becoming known.

Colton Filip

Gonzales, Texas
