Remember WWI this Veterans Day


GONZALES — The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month is a memorialized moment in time. It was at this moment that an armistice was signed, officially ending World War One.

WWI was set into motion by an assassination, on June 28, 1914, when a Serbian nationalist gunned down Archduke Francis Ferdinand, at Sarajevo. The war was fought through November 11, 1918, when Germany signed an armistice with allies. During those four years there were numerous battles, resulting in more than 38 million casualties and 17 million deaths.

In Conjunction with Armistice Day the Gonzales County Historical Commission, the Gonzales Noon Lions and the Thomas Shelton Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution are all set to kick off the two-year-long WWI Centennial Commemoration with the dedication of the WWI Krupp German Cannon Interpretive Panel.

The Krupp German 105mm cannon, located at East Avenue, is one of three Krupp cannons, captured from German forces, during WWI and brought to rest in Texas. The Gonzales Krupp cannon was dedicated on April 21, 1926, by the DuBose family. It is thought that the cannon was captured before it was ever used. The two other Krupp German cannons re-homed to Texas are in Crowell and Elgin.

Among topic addressed at the ceremony will be a condition report on the Gonzales Krupp Cannon and a look into the much-needed preventive maintenance of the cannon, that would slow the decay of the nearly 100-year-old cannon.

The Daughters of the American Revolution are currently working on a project: DAR Remembers WWI.

The mission of the project is to promote awareness of the anniversary of WWI and the sacrifice of American soldiers; and to assist with a statewide survey of all WWI markers in Texas.

Local objectives in this mission are to locate and photograph local monuments and WWI veteran grave markers. This initiative will run through Nov. 11, 2018.

The Krupp German Cannon Interpretive Panel is slated for dedication 11 a.m., November 11, 2016, at the Krupp Cannon site on East Avenue.

Glenda Gordon with Gonzales County Historical Commission is excited about the up-coming dedication.

“I believe this is an excellent way to start the Centennial Commemoration,” she said.
