Avellaneda previews Aug. 3 GISD Community Bond meeting


The Gonzales ISD school board has had opportunity to hear feedback from each other regarding a potential bond election. Now, it’s time for the community to have a turn to speak.

The board will have a special meeting tonight, Thursday, Aug. 3, at 5:30 p.m. in the GISD Administration building about the bond election. 

GISD Superintendent Dr. Elmer Avellaneda said the district needs guidance and is seeking feedback from the community about a possible bond issue on the ballot in November. 

“At the end of the day, these schools are the community’s schools. These children are the community's children and our constituents are the taxpayers, so their feedback is crucial to the success of a potential bond,” Avellaneda said. 

The district has been livestreaming their bond meetings on Facebook, including, most recently, the ethics training that goes along with proposing a bond issue. 

Avellaneda said whenever there is a potential bond issue, it is important that he, the board and staff know the rules and regulations. 

“I want to make sure that everyone is aware of the laws and regulations and the ethics that comes with a potential bond proposal. So we have attorneys coming to present that information and the rules, laws regulations for bond ethics,” Avellaneda said.

The district is looking into a new high school, athletic complex and safety and security upgrades, and Avellaneda said there are discussions on various proposition; however they need community guidance before they may proceed further.

“It's crucial to get guidance from the community on what they would like to see in their school district, what they would like to see in their schools. We really do need to solidify what propositions the community would support,” Avellaneda said. 

“My responsibility as a superintendent is to make sure that I'm seeking feedback from the community. The community is guiding us on what they would support, proposition wise,” Avellaneda said. “I relay that back to the school board so when it's time to officially call the bond for a potential November election, the board is well aware of the community and what they would support.” 

Avellaneda said he is excited to have 100 community members give feedback about the potential bond.

“I can't stress this enough — it is probably my third time saying this — but it's the community’s schools and its children. They deserve to have an input on a potential bond proposal,” Avellaneda said.

The meeting will kickoff at 5:30 p.m. this evening. 
