Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,


My name is Sharon (Nay) Hastings, a proud member of the Gonzales Apaches Class of 1985. I am writing to share some inspiration with my fellow classmates and the broader Gonzales community.

Recently, a book was published that includes an insert about me and how I inspired a co-worker. This experience has reminded me of the power of encouragement and support within our community. I have attached a picture of the book insert for you to see.

I was absolutely shocked and amazed this week. I had reached out to a former colleague and friend, just to say hello and catch up. To my surprise, I received an excited message back: “Sharon!! It is so good to hear from you! You were such a big influence on my growth! I am a co-author of a book where I mentioned your impact, and I’d love to send you a copy!!”

I was happy but also in disbelief. A book? Mentioning me? I couldn’t wrap my head around it — was she really saying that she’d written about the influence I had on her life? No way, I thought.

Well, the book arrived this week, and as I flipped through its pages, there it was — my name. She had indeed written about the impact I made on her journey. Her words floored me. According to her, the role I played in her growth and success was far greater than I could have ever imagined. It was humbling, yet overwhelming.

I’ve always known that I touch the lives of people I encounter, but to have someone put that gratitude into writing, to pen their feelings in a book, and thank me for my influence — it’s a feeling that’s truly priceless.

The moral of this experience is simple but powerful: You never know the impact you may have on someone’s life. Every interaction, every word, every effort you put into another person can resonate in ways you may never realize. Always live with no regrets and give all of yourself, even when you feel you don’t have the energy or drive. You may never see the effect you have on someone, but thanks to Katie, I now know that I touched at least one life in a major way.

As we reflect on our journey since graduation, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the experiences and lessons we have shared. Our community has always been one of strength and resilience, lifting each other up in times of need.

I encourage my fellow classmates and all members of the Gonzales community to reach out, reconnect, and support one another. Together, we can continue to build a strong and vibrant community.

Thank you for considering my letter for publication. I hope it serves as a reminder of the enduring spirit of the Gonzales Apaches.

Best Regards,

Sharon Renay Hastings

Gonzales Apaches Class of 1985
