Nixon hears report on how high winds knocked out water wells


The severe storm and high winds which hit Nixon on Monday, May 13, not only knocked out electricity at City Hall, but took down three water wells, Interim City Manager Darryl Becker told the Nixon City Council during their regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 20.

The city is currently in the midst of installing generators at its water wells and wastewater treatment plant through a General Land Office grant, but the city has yet to receive necessary transfer switches that will allow the generators to switch on automatically when there is a loss of power. However, Becker said he has been told the parts should arrive this month. The wells are back up and running already.

Becker also discussed the citywide clean up and noted there was a larger number of participants, plus a larger amount of brush that appeared to come from fiber optics crews installing cable and trimming trees as well as regular brush and brush from the high winds. He said he had met with a Republic representative regarding the game plan moving forward for continued brush cleanup.

The city has hired a seasoned part-time code enforcement officer, who began work on May 20. She will work 20 hours per week for now until the city holds its budget hearings for fiscal year 2025.

Becker also discussed having met with TxDOT regarding a plan to use summer help in the efforts to clean up the intersection of Texas 80 and US 87. This location has been recently restriped, with the next project planned being the crosswalk, as well as the planter boxes on the four corners, which will be cleaned up and filled with granite to beautify the area.

Mayor Ellie Dominguez announced that all upcoming city council meetings will be held at 6 p.m., moving forward, to allow for transition time for those who are at work until 5 p.m.

Fire Chief Mark Mendez who reported 10 calls this month, making 46 for the year. The department had recently responded to the salt water disposal (SWD) tank explosion in Westhoff, which resulted in one fatality, with the fire itself being caused by an overheated truck.

Police Chief Miguel Cantu reported 26 calls, down from 27 last month, as well as commenting on the new graphics on the patrol vehicles and thanking the city council for these appropriations. Cantu also commended the fire department, and in particular Mendez, in his handling of the fire in Westhoff, commenting on how Mendez showed up and “took command over an event that was chaotic with no clear organization, helping to both control and expedite assistance to this event, noting how that speaks directly to his character.”

Public works director Jeremy Bustos told the council that two summer help employees were starting to assist with special projects and also spoke about new equipment purchased to assist with downed trees, for $3,500. There was reportedly very timely and effective pickup of this brush, with council members thanking public works for the fast response.

A building variance for the address of 102 S Roosevelt was approved after brief discussion and clarification of their being no adverse impact on the community, nor direct impact on any other property aside from the aforementioned address.

A request to approve the Upper Room Awakening Ministry’s usage of city property was approved for a tent revival after brief discussion.

The board approved Crystal Cedillo, Tax Assessor Collector, as the individual to calculate and prepare the 2024 No-New Revenue and Voter Approval Tax rates for the City of Nixon.

A request to use Municipal Court Technology Funds in the purchase of a Dell computer for the Municipal Court was approved, with the estimate of this being $1,487.

An approval was made regarding the extension deadline on the Wagner property on South of Rancho Road, which was established for one year.

An approval was given for a commercial lease agreement on a record retention facility, allowing cataloging of city documents in bid for compliance while continuing normal city function without interference of daily activities or community service. The lease is for a building to separate records and improve current outdated documentation currently awaiting upload. The building lease agreement will be between the city and Morris Harvey.
