Gonzales Lion Andy Rodriguez was selected to be inducted into the Texas Lions Hall of Fame at the 2024 Texas Lions State Convention in Amarillo.
Elevation of Lions into the Texas Lions Hall of Fame bestows an honor upon one who has been outstanding in using their time, talents, and resources to further the cause of humanitarian services.
Past District Governor Andy Rodriguez has been a member of the Gonzales Noon Lions Club in Gonzales, Texas for 39 years. He is a Melvin Jones Fellow, a Texas Lions Fellow, a Jack Wiech Fellow, a Life Member of the Texas Lions Camp, a Life Member of the Lone Star Lions Eye Bank, a member of the Order of the Silver Cane at World Services for the Blind, a recipient of the Ed Flood Award presented on behalf of the Texas Lions Foundation and the E.B. ‘Tex’ Mayer Award presented for exemplary service by Lions of District 2-S5.
He has received many community and Lions service awards; most notably, he has achieved the Lions Grand Master Key Membership Award for sponsoring over 50 members into Lionism and he is the recipient of several Lions International President’s Leadership awards and many International President’s certificates of appreciation.
Cherished by Andy, he has received the Gonzales Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award and in 2022 he was honored with the prestigious David B. Walshak Lifetime Achievement Award.
He has served on the District 2-S5 Cabinet since 2001 in the positions of District Governor, Zone Chairman, Retention Chairman, Membership Chairman, Leadership Chairman, World Services for the Blind Chairman, ALERT Chairman and District Chaplain.
He is best known for his work in developing and supporting a successful district leadership training team because he believes training is the key to club success. He and the District 2-S5 Training Team have delivered training to Lions of all 16 districts in Texas. He has been recognized for developing the Texas Lions Trainer Development program that trains Lions how to be trainers and for 16 years was a presenter at the Texas Lions Leadership Forum and Lions Clubs International Regional Lions Leadership Institute.