GCAM has served Gonzales for nearly 28 years; now Gonzales can return the favor


GCAM stands for Gonzales Christian Assistance Ministry. This non-profit organization was officially established and then approved by the state of Texas in 1996 in order to meet the growing needs of the Gonzales community. GCAM has been serving Gonzales residents ever since.

Located at 708 St. Louis St., GCAM distributes 96 food boxes on a first-come, first-served basis each Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting at 8:15 a.m. To be eligible for assistance, clients must reside in Gonzales and show proof of residency. Additionally, GCAM operates a thrift store which is open those same days from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

This past summer, GCAM hired a new executive director, Michelle Tucker, as well as a new food pantry manager, Michael Salinas. A third member of GCAM, Mike Brecka, who has been serving GCAM for several years, rounds out the team. They are assisted by a group of volunteers, while an executive board oversees the activities of GCAM.

Michelle Tucker said, “First of all, I would like to say thank you to the organizations and volunteers who are currently supporting and assisting GCAM. We couldn’t do this without you.

“I would also like to say that we would love to be able to do more for the community. For example, expand our Thrift Store hours, serve more families with our food outreach and perhaps even expand to serve other needs of the community. In order to do these things, we need the community to know we are here and we would love to get the entire community to come alongside us with support.”

What would this support look like? Currently the greatest need is for donations of food and/or money followed by the need for volunteers/community involvement. 

This month, O Taste & See Bakery and Coffee Shop is sponsoring a fundraiser for GCAM. Store owner Liz Pulliam said, “I hope that this will bring attention to GCAM and kickstart a shower of support for this nonprofit organization that has been serving the community so well for over 25 years.”

O Taste & See will be selling cupcakes in a jar, half-pint size, for $10 with $1 per jar going directly to GCAM. Watch for more information on their Facebook page (O Taste & See Bakery and Coffee Shop) or the Chamber of Commerce website.

How can you help? There are many ways, whether you are an individual or an organization.  First of all, support their fundraiser(s) by making a purchase. Become a volunteer. Offer to fill a seat on the board of directors. Make a donation.  If you are a business, GCAM would love to partner with you! Host a fundraiser in the near future. Make a donation. Schedule a group to come and volunteer at GCAM once a month. Additional ideas are also welcome.

Reach Michelle Tucker by email at: gcamdirector@yahoo.com or by phone: 830 672-5566.
