Koerner among the inspiring women in Gonzales healthcare


The Gonzales Inquirer had a rare opportunity to be on the side of the desk asking questions recently at the doctors’ office.

Dr. Kathleen M. Koerner was gracious with her time and answered questions about practicing in Gonzales and what motivates her in providing great service for local residents. With a break from peer reviewing duties, Dr. Koerner answered the following questions, with her warm and humorous personality at the forefront:

How many years have you been in practice, total?

“Since 2003, so I guess that would be nine years.”

How many years have you been with Gonzales Healthcare Systems?

“Ten and a half years.”

Why did you want to be a doctor in the beginning?

“Well, I originally wanted to be a research physician, because my father had passed away of cancer when I was 13 and I thought it would be way cool if I could do cancer research. I quickly found out as an undergrad that I did not want to spend my life in a lab and that I really kind of liked people, not just petri dishes. So I ended up leaving school for a little bit and then got a Bachelors degree in Health Sciences/Psychology and then I owned a fitness center for seven or eight years. I then got a Masters in Medical Science and then went to med school.”

Why are you a doctor now, why do you stay in the profession?

“I wouldn’t know what else to do, quite honestly. I love what I do, this is like the ideal practice. It can be lonely, at times, because there is nobody to back you up, it’s also self limiting, because there are certain things you can’t do here. You can only get yourself into so much trouble, just enough that you know how to get yourself out of it.”

What makes you successful?

“Because I am one of those type A never quit people, keep going until it’s done type of person.”

Who motivates you?

“Me. Me, and nobody else.”

What is your favorite quote?

“There is no finish line.” “I have a big picture of that, it’s actually from a gym, a workout poster.”

Why Gonzales, why do you make this your home?

“I was recruited here, from Phoenix. I was practicing in Phoenix, I didn’t like the practice, the environment, so I put my resume out, and this is where I ended up. I absolutely love this small town and I would not want to be anywhere else.

What does your future look like?

I’m going to retire in about nine years, at the ripe old age of 75.” (At which point, this writer had to point out that it was unbelievable that Dr. Koerner was currently 66 years old, appearance wise – she took the time to point out that she also does many treatments, currently in her practice, including Botox and running the med spa.)

Anything you would like to add?

“I am just thrilled to be here, every day I am thrilled to be here. I think I love this little town because of the community, in general, greatly appreciates what the healthcare system does and I think that’s very unusual and it’s a very welcoming little town. I have worked in larger facilities and they are absolutely malignant so that is one of the reasons there is no place else I would rather be (than Gonzales).”
