Attention all gardeners! Mark your calendars for the Gonzales Master Gardeners’ annual Spring Plant Sale is fast approaching. Once again, this year’s sale will be held at Independence Square in downtown Gonzales on Saturday, April 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
You will find a wide array of plants that will include bedding annuals, hanging baskets, herbs, and houseplants. Perennials, native and pollinator plants will also be available along with roses, berries, and assorted trees. These plants are specifically chosen to perform well in this part of Texas and grown by either master gardeners or other area growers.
For the butterfly garden, there will be black-eyed Susan, yarrow, salvias, phlox, lavender, lantana, Gregg’s mistflower and goldenrod along with additional perennials to include desert mallow, pigeonberry, Brazilian rock rose, and bird of paradise. Tree varieties will include Anacacho Orchid Tree, Texas Mountain Laurel and Texas Redbud along with Improved Meyer Lemon, Persian Lime and Owari Satsuma citrus trees. Several varieties of fig, peach and plum fruit trees will also be available.
Coinciding with the plant sale will be a Silent Auction with a nice assortment of garden-related items to bid on, activities for children, and an “Ask the Master Gardener” booth for your gardening questions. Master gardeners will be circulating about to be on hand to share their expertise, assist with plant selections and offer friendly gardening advice.
You may bring your own wagons or carts to load up your plant selections and cash, check, credit and/or debit cards will all be accepted forms of payment. So come on out, rain or shine, and make sure you come early for the best selection as many varieties sell out early. For additional information, call 830-672-8531.
Proceeds from this fundraiser help support the mission of teaching the community and school children about gardening and horticulture. Gonzales Master Gardeners is a 501(c)(3) working under the direction of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.