The Nixon-Smiley Livestock Show will be held this Friday, March 8 and Saturday, March 9 at the Nixon Smiley Livestock Show Barn and Arena on East Central in Nixon.
Participants will check in their projects beginning at 2 p.m. Friday and then judging begins with broilers, roasters, turkeys, market rabbits and fryer rabbits starting at 6 p.m. Friday in the arena and layered cakes, crafts and Ag mechanics in the barn.
Judging continues at 9 a.m. Saturday with market hogs, breeder hogs, market lambs, market goats, breeder goats, market steers, local bred steers and 4-H Clover bucket calves.
The buyers’ buffet and registration then begins at 4 p.m. Saturday, followed by the auction at 5 p.m. Bucket calf projects will be introduced, followed by auctions for layered cakes, crafts, steers, local bred steers, market goats, market hogs, individual Ag mechanics, team Ag mechanics, market lambs, market rabbits, turkeys and then broilers.
All participants then are required to take part in the mandatory clean-up of the arena and show barn at 8 a.m Sunday, March 10.
In order to take part in the Nixon-Smiley Livestock Show, an exhibitor must be a full-time student in grades 3-12 and not have graduated or completed a GED program. They must either be in home school or in school at Nixon-Smiley CISD and either reside in the Nixon-Smiley CISD or attend school there.
Exhibitors must be a member in good standing of at least one of the following clubs: Nixon 4-H Club, Smiley 4-H Club, Leesville 4-H Club, Nixon-SmileyFFA and/or Nixon-SmileyFCCLA and cannot be expelled, suspended or enrolled in alternative school any time after Jan. 1 in the calendar year of the show.
Also, each exhibitor must volunteer four hours of community service at the show grounds prior to the livestock show check-in and they are required to write hand-written thank you notes to each buyer of his/her project or to any add-on buyer the exhibitor receives. Any exhibitor awarded a medal, buckle, vest or rosette also is required to write a hand-written thank you note to each donor of the award.