Shane and Elaine Brzozowski are very proud to announce the graduation of their son, Seth Ryan, from the 66th Texas Game Warden Academy held May 31, 2024 in Austin, Texas. The 41 graduates who have spent the prior eight months at the Game Warden Training Center near Hamilton, Texas.
The application process to become a Texas Game Warden or State Park Police Officer is highly competitive, with only the most qualified applicants being selected to attend the academy. Each must possess exceptional physical fitness, good hearing, strong vision, a desire to work outdoors and a bachelor’s degree. Only the strongest candidates make it through the selective application process to qualify for game warden training. The application is an eight-step process concluding with a letter of invitation to the academy.
Academy Training includes wildlife conservation skills and law enforcement tactics and several tests each week. In addition, each cadet must maintain sound physical condition and successfully complete a physical fitness test prior to entry which includes a 2,000-meter row based on their VO₂ max, a 1-minute water tread, 100 meter 3-minute swim and dry fire of a duty weapon from various positions. Each cadet is commissioned as a marine safety enforcement officer and receives extensive training in boat operations.
Since the first Texas Game Wardens were commissioned in 1895 to patrol for oyster violations on Galveston Island, to the present-day number of 551 patrolling the vast State of Texas, service as diverse as this great State has been the core mission of this highly trained, deeply committed group of State Law Enforcement professionals.
Search and Rescue has been at the forefront of duties resting upon game wardens during this entire span of service due to their fearless approach, knowledge of remote areas, and specialized training and equipment.
Game wardens are pledged to enforce all laws, with their primary focus on conservation law enforcement, assuring that future generations of Texans enjoy the same abundant bounty of game and fish across the diverse and rich land, air and water of our great State.
Proudly attending Warden Brzozowski’s commissioning ceremony were his parents, Shane and Elaine, and grandparents Judge Deidra D. Voigt, Debbie Malatek and Diane Sloan. Also, in attendance to cheer on Seth were aunts and cousins Linda Craven, Don and Christina Fairman, Sagen Voigt, Aubrey Hernandez, Tiffany Malatek, Diann Taylor, and Allan and Angela Mercer.
Seth is the grandson of Dennis Berckenhoff and the late Ronnie Voigt, Danny Sloan, David Malatek and great-grandson of Fred Droupy and D. J. Brzozowski.
Texas Game Warden Brzozowski will be stationed in McMullen County.