20 results total, viewing 1 - 20
I was having a discussion on Christmas Day while visiting my family and we were discussing urban legends and “facts we didn’t know.” One such “fact” about the … more
Jacob Darst awakened early on this morning - it was Christmas morning, 1830. He and his wife, Margaret, and children David and Nancy, were on their way to Gonzales, Capitol of Green DeWitt's Colony. … more
He stirs from the bed in the pre-dawn light of this July day. The breeze has awakened him. Making his way to the kitchen, he puts on the coffee. He thinks for a while of all the work to be done … more
Riding my bike through Independence Park this week I noticed the nice new sidewalk going in along US 183. Alongside the sidewalk was a row of dirt piles that had been excavated during the … more
We would like to thank the Texas Department of Emergency Management, Public Works Response Team and TCEQ for providing resources, experience, personnel, and guidance as we navigated this crisis. … more
  Hello everyone. My name is Parind Vora. I am the chef/owner of Gonzales Bistro at 320 Saint George Street right of the historic Independence square. www.gonzalesbistro.com. … more
My name is Sharon (Nay) Hastings, a proud member of the Gonzales Apaches Class of 1985. I am writing to share some inspiration with my fellow classmates and the broader Gonzales community. … more
Isaac Milsaps, age 40, wiped his brow with the back of his hand as he finished hoeing the garden. Although cooler weather seemed to be coming a little later this year, this fall of 1835 in Gonzales, … more
I was talking the other day to a friend of mine about how many churches there used to be in Gonzales County. Every community, every settlement had a church, and now they were all gone. He told me … more
Dear editor, The Real Texas Gun Show, has enjoyed bringing the best little gun show to the citizens of Gonzales and surrounding areas. We have endeavored to bring the best and latest merchandise … more
Dear editor, There has been considerable debate about whether convicted felons should serve on city or community boards. On July 11, 2024, the City Council approved Ordinance 2024-23, which bars … more
When I was a kid, back in the 80s — that’s 1980s, not 1880s, thank you very much! — we used to love to “psych” people. We’d hold out our hand as if inviting … more
Wednesday, Nov. 29, marked the 18th anniversary of the loss of my stepdaughter, Sarah, who died in an automobile accident near DeKalb in Bowie County. She was just 23 years old with her whole future … more
In the realm of plant medicine, few have been as misunderstood and unfairly treated as hemp. As a medical professional with a passion for my patients’ health and well-being, I believe it is … more
I am a founder of Friends of Gonzales Animal Shelter (FOGAS) and have served as its treasurer and tax preparer since its inception. I attended the council meeting on Thursday and want to share these … more
The city of Gonzales is already decked out for Christmas with lights and bows strewn across power lines throughout downtown. Some local businesses have also gotten into the holiday spirit by … more
Dear editor, We see them every day, we shake their hands and say, “Thank you for our service.” We see the caps and bumper stickers that they proudly wear and display, but do we … more
Americans have more media options than ever. We are inundated with stories, memes, videos and promotions 24 hours a day. Most of us are on social media, which is built to provide an endless feed of … more
The Gonzales City Council meeting was coming to an end Thursday, Aug. 10, when there was an exchange between Councilwoman Ronda Miller, Mayor Steve Sucher and Councilwoman Sherrie Koepp that revealed … more
Men of Gonzales… It’s time for a Revolution! In 1836, William Barrett Travis wrote: “I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the … more
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