Area Economic Development holds annual luncheon


GONZALES — What is your “why?” What is your purpose? These points to ponder are from the keynote speaker at the annual Gonzales Area Development Corporation luncheon. Dave Quinn, vice president of Frisco Economic development corporation, said you have to have a purpose to make a great impact.

Quinn told the GADC audience he learned purpose from him mother. He said for years his mother spent three hours a day in commute, to provide for her family.

"I was my mother's why," Quinn said.

Quinn told his life story, from growing up in rural Texas to becoming the VP of economic development in Frisco. He told how his purpose changed over the years, but how he always found the "why," allowing him to do his job with more purpose and effectiveness.

The overtone of the speech was motivational and encouraging. Quinn challenged everyone in attendance to find their purpose.

GADC President Robert Bland opened the event. President and CEO of Gonzales Economic Development Corporation Genora Young and GVEC's Economic Development Coordinator Gerri Lawing looked back on the years of local economic development and recounted the growth, as well as mentioned new growth on the horizon.

The three economic development groups all work together to move Gonzales into the future.

GADC led by Bland, is comprised of directors: Jerry Floyd, Kenneth Gottwald, Josh Gray, Ross Hendershot, Sascha Kardosz, Gerri Lawing, David Lindeman, Gary Mobbs, Ray Raley Jr., Andy Rodriguez, Keith Shauer and Jim Windwehen.

GEDC, overseen by Young, consists of a board of directors led by President Crissy O'Neal and board members: Keith Brown, Tommy Cox, Hector Porras, James Ryan, Dewey Smith and Steve Sucher.

GVEC economic development, headed up by Lawing, helps facilitate meetings between community groups and other stakeholders; represents the area in economic development-related forums at the state and national levels; works with legislative representatives on initiatives; and assists area Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development offices in attracting industry and events.
