From seniors to alumni

Gonzales High School Class of 2024 graduates at Apache Field


The Gonzales High School Class of 2024 took the stage at Apache Field for one last time for the class graduation ceremony Friday, May 24.

Two-hundred and two seniors received their high school diplomas at the ceremony and this year’s class received more than $260,000 scholarships; that is $40,000 more than last year.

“Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, proud parents, most importantly, the remarkable graduating class of 2024. As I stand before you today, I'm filled with a mixture of emotions, joy, pride, and a hint of sadness as I bid farewell to a group of individuals who not only left their mark on our school, but have also deeply impacted my life over the last three years,” Gonzales High Principal Jon Basha said.

“The graduating class of 2024: You are not just a group of students; you are a family. And as your principal, it has been an absolute privilege to witness your growth, your achievements, and the countless memories we've shared together,” Basha added.

Ainsley Holub was named valedictorian of the class of 2024; and Macey Pena was named the salutatorian.

Vice president of the class of the Christie Reyna gave the opening remarks at the ceremony.

“I want to start by welcoming you all to this exciting occasion, where we not only celebrate each other's years of hard work and dedication, as well as the beginning of new journeys, and an infinite amount of possibilities,” Reyna said.

“High school has been an unforgettable journey that has prepared us for the future, however that may look for you. In this four-year journey, we have all created different memories and experiences that will impact our lives forever,” Reyna added.

The class of the 2024 went through many events from tornado shelter in kindergarten, Snowmageddon in 2021, Hurricane Harvey, the COVID-19 pandemic and the reason they had Chromebooks for four years, Pena said.

“Looking back at time, I think there's something beautiful about living in a small town. Most of us were able to attend school together from kindergarten to senior year. We have all had the privilege of growing up with one another, which many students do not get to experience. We have all made unforgettable memories in school.” Pena said.

Holub honored and remembered follow classmate Katelyn Cater, who would’ve been part of the graduating class.

“About two years ago, we lost a valued member of our class, Katelyn Carter, who's absence is deeply felt, but whose spirit lives on in our memories and hearts. Her presence may be physically absent, but her impact on our lives will forever remain. Let us take a moment to honor and remember Katie and cherish the time we shared with her,” Holub said.

Gonzales High School senior Angel Gallegos closed out the graduation ceremony.

“As we stand on this threshold of new beginnings I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has been part of the incredible journey: our teachers, who guided us with wavering dedication; our families’ support has been our foundation, from the beginning, unforgettable, and my fellow graduates,” Gallegos said.

The ceremony closed out with the tradition of the throwing of the caps and the Gonzales High School fight song.
