The Gonzales County Youth Show is back for a 70th year of providing opportunities to county youth to earn thousands of dollars in scholarship money, in addition to valuable lessons about life and hard work since 1955.
The show will be held this year from Feb. 29 through March 2 at the JB Wells Expo Center, 2301 CR 197, Gonzales. It is sponsored by the Gonzales County Youth Show Association.
More than 140 exhibitors are expected to participate in one or more of the 15 project areas that include multiple animal projects, a bake show, and an agricultural mechanics show. Students have spent anywhere from eight weeks to a full calendar year on these projects and are ready to showcase them to the community.
For the past three years, the community has raised more than $700,000 each year in scholarships for exhibitors.
In order to take part in the county show, an exhibitor must be a FFA or 4-H member in Gonzales County as of 5 p.m. Nov. 1, 2023. The exhibitor also must have a homestead in Gonzales County or attend a school in Gonzales County at the time of club registration and the animals must be housed in Gonzales County unless permission is otherwise granted. An exhibitor must also be enrolled in school and passing all subjects as of the most recent completed grading period and he or she may show in only one community/local/county show during the year.
Categories include steers, breeding heifers, market swine (barrow and gilts), breeding swine (gilts), market lambs (wethers and ewes), breeding lambs (ewes), market goats (wethers and does), breeding goats (does), market rabbits (pen of three), breeding rabbits (does), market broilers (pen of three), bucket calves, baked goods and ag mechanics.
Gonzales County Youth Show Association officers include President Mitchell Hardcastle, Vice President Kate Richter, Secretary Renee Rathmann, Treasurer Rhonda Hand and Reporter Tracy Reynolds.
Show superintendents include: Broilers — Dillon Brown, Cynthia Pape, Will Lamprecht; Rabbits — Dub Whitehead, Tracy Reynolds, Renee Rathmann, Liz Davis Zella; Steers/Heifers — Steven Evans, Will Lamprecht, Bubba Ehrig, Tracy Reynolds; Lambs/Goats — Tracy Reynolds, Dillon Brown, and Steven Evans; Swine — Rhonda Hand, Kate Richter, Dillon Brown, and Bubba Ehrig; Commercial Heifers — All Directors; Baked Goods — Rhonda Hand and Tracy Reynolds; Agriculture Mechanics—All Directors and GCYSA Advisors; Bucket Calf Committee Representatives — Renee Rathmann.