Smiley City Council approves no-new-tax rate


The Smiley City Council met Wednesday, Aug. 28 for a special called meeting at the city municipal building.

One of the main items that was discussed was the proposed tax rate for the city of Smiley.

Last year’s tax rate was set for $0.2707 and the council had a decision on whether the city will go with the 2024 No New Revenue Tax Rate ($0.2810) or the 2024 Voter Approved Tax Rate ($0.3204).

Smiley City Secretary Scott Jewett recommended the council vote on the No New Revenue Tax Rate and he said there is not a whole a lot of money being gained by increasing the tax rate.

The council approved unanimously for the “No New Revenue Tax Rate.”

The council went into closed session regarding the Volunteer Fire Department; no action was taken when they returned into open session.
